2019 Session

Budget Bill - HB1700 (Enrolled)

Department of General Services

Item 78

Item 78

First Year - FY2019Second Year - FY2020
Printing and Reproduction (82100)$155,009$157,052
Statewide Graphic Design Services (82101)FY2019 $155,009FY2020 $157,052
Fund Sources:  
Internal ServiceFY2019 $155,009FY2020 $157,052

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 11, Articles 3 and 6, Code of Virginia.

1. The appropriation for Statewide Graphic Design Services is sum sufficient and amounts shown are estimates from an internal service fund which shall be paid from revenues derived from charges for services.

2. The hourly rate charged for graphic design services shall be $85.00 the first year and $85.00 the second year. The amount charged for contracted services shall be 115 percent of the actual cost of such contracted services.