2012 Special Session I

Budget Bill - HB1300 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Compensation Board

Item 67.20

Item 67.20

First Year - FY2011Second Year - FY2012
Financial Assistance for Sheriffs' Offices and Regional Jails (30700)$416,244,832$407,169,052
Financial Assistance for Regional Jail Operations (30710)FY2011 $126,323,937FY2012 $126,702,425
Financial Assistance for Local Law Enforcement (30712)FY2011 $80,965,213FY2012 $76,499,313
Financial Assistance for Local Court Services (30713)FY2011 $35,533,628FY2012 $31,354,089
Financial Assistance to Sheriffs (30716)FY2011 $10,993,390FY2012 $10,840,965
Financial Assistance for Local Jail Operations (30718)FY2011 $162,428,664FY2012 $161,772,260
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2011 $408,244,832FY2012 $399,169,052
Dedicated Special RevenueFY2011 $8,000,000FY2012 $8,000,000

Authority: Title 15.2, Chapter 16, Articles 3 and 6.1; and §§ 53.1-83.1 and 53.1-85, Code of Virginia.

A.1. The annual salaries of the sheriffs of the counties and cities of the Commonwealth shall be as hereinafter prescribed, according to the population of the city or county served and whether the sheriff is charged with civil processing and courtroom security responsibilities only, or the added responsibilities of law enforcement or operation of a jail, or both. Execution of arrest warrants shall not, in and of itself, constitute law enforcement responsibilities for the purpose of determining the salary for which a sheriff is eligible.

2. Whenever a sheriff is such for a county and city together, or for two or more cities, the aggregate population of such political subdivisions shall be the population for the purpose of arriving at the salary of such sheriff under the provisions of this item and such sheriff shall receive as additional compensation the sum of one thousand dollars.

July 1, 2010

July 1, 2011

December 1, 2011




June 30, 2011

November 30, 2011

June 30, 2012


Law Enforcement and Jail Responsibility


Less than 10,000




10,000 to 19,999




20,000 to 39,999




40,000 to 69,999




70,000 to 99,999




100,000 to 174,999




175,000 to 249,999




250,000 and above





Law Enforcement or Jail


Less than 10,000




10,000 to 19,999




20,000 to 39,999




40,000 to 69,999




70,000 to 99,999




100,000 to 174,999




175,000 to 249,999




250,000 and above





No Law Enforcement or Jail Responsibility


Less than 10,000




10,000 to 19,999




20,000 to 39,999




40,000 to 69,999




70,000 to 99,999




100,000 to 174,999




175,000 to 249,999




250,000 and above




B. Out of the amounts provided for in this item, no expenditures shall be made to provide security devices such as magnetometers in standard use in major metropolitan airports. Personnel expenditures for operation of such equipment incidental to the duties of courtroom and courthouse security deputies may be authorized, provided that no additional expenditures for personnel shall be approved for the principal purpose of operating these devices.

C. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 53.1-120, or any other section of the Code of Virginia, unless a judge provides the sheriff with a written order stating that a substantial security risk exists in a particular case, no courtroom security deputies may be ordered for civil cases, not more than one deputy may be ordered for criminal cases in a district court, and not more than two deputies may be ordered for criminal cases in a circuit court. In complying with such orders for additional security, the sheriff may consider other deputies present in the courtroom as part of his security force.

D. Should the scheduled opening date of any facility be delayed for which funds are available in this item, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget, may allot such funds as the Compensation Board may request to allow the employment of staff for training purposes not more than 45 days prior to the rescheduled opening date for the facility.

E. Consistent with the provisions of paragraph B of Item 67.90, the board shall allocate the additional jail deputies provided in this appropriation using a ratio of one jail deputy for every 3.0 beds of operational capacity. Operational capacity shall be determined by the Department of Corrections. No additional deputy sheriffs shall be provided from this appropriation to a local jail in which the present staffing exceeds this ratio unless the jail is overcrowded. Overcrowding for these purposes shall be defined as when the average annual daily population exceeds the operational capacity. In those jails experiencing overcrowding, the board may allocate one additional jail deputy for every five average annual daily prisoners above operational capacity. Should overcrowding be reduced or eliminated in any jail, the Compensation Board shall reallocate positions previously assigned due to overcrowding to other jails in the Commonwealth that are experiencing overcrowding.

F. Two-thirds of the salaries set by the Compensation Board of medical, treatment, and inmate classification positions approved by the Compensation Board for local correctional facilities shall be paid out of this appropriation.

G.1. Subject to appropriations by the General Assembly for this purpose, the Compensation Board shall provide for a Master Deputy pay grade to those sheriffs' offices which had certified, on or before January 1, 1997, having a career development plan for deputy sheriffs that meets the minimum criteria set forth by the Compensation Board for such plans. The Compensation Board shall allow for additional grade 9 positions, at a level not to exceed one grade 9 Master Deputy per every five Compensation Board grade 7 and 8 deputy positions in each sheriff's office.

2. Each sheriff who desires to participate in the Master Deputy Program who had not certified a career development plan on or before January 1, 1997, may elect to participate by certifying to the Compensation Board that the career development plan in effect in his office meets the minimum criteria for such plans as set by the Compensation Board. Such election shall be made by July 1 for an effective date of participation the following July 1.

3. Subject to appropriations by the General Assembly for this purpose, funding shall be provided by the Compensation Board for participation in the Master Deputy Program to sheriffs' offices electing participation after January 1, 1997, according to the date of receipt by the Compensation Board of the election by the sheriff.

4. Beginning on July 1, 2010, state support for the Master Deputy Program is suspended for any individual who was not participating in the program on January 1, 2010.

I. The Compensation Board shall estimate biannually the number of additional law enforcement deputies which will be needed in accordance with § 15.2-1609.1, Code of Virginia. Such estimate of the number of positions and related costs shall be included in the board's biennial budget request submission to the Governor and General Assembly. The allocation of such positions, established by the Governor and General Assembly in Item 67.90 of this act, shall be determined by the Compensation Board on an annual basis. The annual allocation of these positions to local sheriffs' offices shall be based upon the most recent final population estimate for the locality that is available to the Compensation Board at the time when the agency's annual budget request is completed. The source of such population estimates shall be the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service of the University of Virginia or the United States Bureau of the Census. For the first year of the biennium, the Compensation Board shall allocate positions based upon the most recent provisional population estimates available at the time the agency's annual budget is completed.

J. Any amount in the program Financial Assistance for Sheriffs' Offices and Regional Jails may be transferred between Items 67.20 and 67.30, as needed, to cover any deficits incurred in the programs Financial Assistance for Confinement of Inmates in Local and Regional Facilities, and Financial Assistance for Sheriffs' Offices and Regional Jails.

K.1. Subject to appropriations by the General Assembly for this purpose, the Compensation Board shall provide for a Sheriffs' Career Development Program. 

2. Following receipt of a sheriff's certification that the minimum requirements of the Sheriffs' Career Development Program have been met, and provided that such certification is submitted by Sheriffs as part of their annual budget request to the Compensation Board, the board shall increase the annual salary shown in Paragraph A of this item by the percentage shown below for a twelve-month period effective the following July 1:

a. 9.3 percent increase for all sheriffs who certify their compliance with the established minimum criteria for the Sheriffs' Career Development Program, where such criteria include that a sheriff's office seeking accreditation has been assessed and will be considered for accreditation by the accrediting body no later than March 1, and have achieved accreditation by March 1 from the Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission, or the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement agencies, or the American Correctional Association, or,

b. For sheriffs that have not achieved one of the above accreditations:

1. 3.1 percent for all sheriffs who certify their compliance with the established minimum criteria for the Sheriffs' Career Development Program; and

2. 3.1 percent additional increase for sheriffs who certify their compliance with the established minimum criteria for the Sheriffs' Career Development Program and operate a jail; and

3. 3.1 percent additional increase for all sheriffs who certify their compliance with the established minimum criteria for the Sheriffs' Career Development Program and provide primary law enforcement services in the county.

4. State support for the Sheriffs' Career Development Program is suspended for any individual who was not participating in the program on January 1, 2010.

L. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 15, Title 56, Code of Virginia, $8,000,000 the first year and $8,000,000 the second year from the Wireless E-911 Fund is included in this appropriation for local law enforcement dispatchers to offset dispatch center operations and related costs.

M. Included in the appropriation for this item is $1,811,259 the first year and $2,683,223 $2,294,794 the second year from the general fund to support costs associated with staffing the Rappahannock Regional Jail Unit D, the Pittsylvania County Jail expansion, the replacement facility for the Patrick County Jail and the Blue Ridge Regional Jail expansion.

N. Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 53.1-131 through 53.1 -131.3, Code of Virginia, local and regional jails may charge inmates participating in inmate work programs a reasonable daily amount, not to exceed the actual daily cost, to operate the program.

O. Included in this appropriation is $1,004,500 the second year from the general fund for the Compensation Board to contract for services to be provided by the Virginia Center for Policing Innovation to implement and maintain the interface between all local and regional jails in the Commonwealth and the Statewide Automated Victim Notification (SAVIN) system, to provide for SAVIN program coordination, and to maintain the interface between SAVIN and the Virginia Sex Offender Registry.

P. After satisfying the provisions of Item 96.J.5. of this act, there is hereby appropriated in the second year an amount not to exceed $7,373,722 from that portion of the general fund balance designated by the State Comptroller on June 30, 2011, for nonrecurring expenditures pursuant to § 2.2-1514B., Code of Virginia.