Authority: Discretionary Inclusion.
A.1.This Item includes $18,086,472 the first year and $9,048,621 the second year from the general fund for phase one of the redesigned business processes and systems project, to implement improved information technology (IT) products, and to enhance revenue collections and cost recoveries using improved IT products pursuant to an agreement subject to the Public-Private Educational Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (§ 56-575.1 et seq, Code of Virginia).
2. Of this amount, $10,247,463 in 2007 and $3,250,139 in 2008 is to be used to pay the vendor of choice. Vendor activities will include completion of work towards agreed-upon deliverables in Statements-of-Work one through seven that involve setting up proper governance, developing requirements definition plans, planning organizational change management plans, establishing databases to populate with process requirements, reviewing existing data warehouse and data reporting software, developing plans for deployment of new data warehouse and data reporting software, conducting Enterprise Application review and selection sessions, developing Enterprise Application implementation plans (to include process re-design), developing Service Oriented Architecture, developing Service Oriented Architecture implementation plans and implementing pilot, installing Single Window Government software, developing Single Window Government implementation plans and implementing in pilot, enhanced collections and cost recoveries above current baselines through specific management agreements with involved agencies.
B. Beginning July 1, 2006, the Enterprise Application Program Director shall provide the Governor, the Chairmen of the House Appropriation and Senate Finance Committees, and the Auditor of Public Accounts with quarterly status reports on the progress of the project, including work completed to date, estimated completion dates for each Statement of Work, project expenditures, and expenditures by state agencies to support the project.
C. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, in consultation with the Enterprise Application Program Director, is authorized to transfer funds to agencies as needed to pay for costs directly associated with phase one statements of work, provided, however, that such transfers are reported to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees, as provided in this act.
D. Pursuant to § 4-7.01 of this act, the Director, Department of Planning and Budget may increase the position level of involved agencies for this purpose. Any such increases shall be reported to the Chairmen of the House Appropriation and Senate Finance Committees, as provided in this act.
E.1. There is hereby created the Enterprise Application Fund as a special fund in the State treasury.
2. Any revenues generated from maximizing state revenues or enhancement of cost recoveries over and above the amounts already collected through existing and planned collection activities shall be deposited to this Fund, subject to terms and conditions set out in an agreement between each affected agency and the vendor, according to the requirements of Statements-of-Work six and seven governing Collections and Cost Recovery.
3. Any such revenues derived from federal funds shall not be deposited to the Fund but shall be returned to the applicable federal source.
4. No funds may be transferred or expended from this Fund except by legislative appropriation, which shall be based solely on funds already collected and not on projected collections.