2006 Session

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

View Item amendments

Department of Transportation

Item 448

Item 448

First Year - FY2007Second Year - FY2008
Administrative and Support Services (69900)$182,036,113$182,036,113
General Management and Direction (69901)FY2007 $93,064,758FY2008 $93,064,758
Information Technology Services (69902)FY2007 $65,864,210FY2008 $65,864,210
Facilities and Grounds Management Services (69915)FY2007 $11,673,634FY2008 $11,673,634
Employee Training and Development (69924)FY2007 $11,433,511FY2008 $11,433,511
Fund Sources:  
Commonwealth TransportationFY2007 $182,036,113FY2008 $182,036,113

Authority: Title 33.1, Code of Virginia.

A. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the highway share of the Transportation Trust Fund shall be used for highway maintenance and operation purposes prior to its availability for new development, acquisition, and construction.

B. Administrative and Support Services shall include funding for management, direction, and administration to support the department's activities that cannot be directly attributable to individual programs and/or projects.

C. Out of the amounts for General Management and Direction, allocations shall be provided to the Commonwealth Transportation Board to support its operations, the payment of financial advisory and legal services, and the management of the Transportation Trust Fund.

D. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Department may assess and collect the costs of providing services to other entities, public and private. The Department shall take all actions necessary to ensure that all such costs are reasonable and appropriate, recovered, and understood as a condition to providing such service.

E. Each year, as part of the six-year financial planning process, the Commissioner shall implement a long-term business strategy that considers appropriate staffing levels for the department. In addition, the Commissioner shall identify services, programs, or projects that will be evaluated for devolution or outsourcing in the upcoming year. In undertaking such evaluations, the Commissioner is authorized to use the appropriate resources, both public and private, to competitively procure those identified services, programs, or projects and shall identify total costs for such activities. The Commissioner shall include annually in the update of the six-year plan a report on the department's evaluations of outsourcing and devolution opportunities, and the outcome of those evaluations. Such report shall include an analysis of the costs of the services provided by the Commonwealth compared to costs associated with outsourcing those same services.

F. Any action to modernize and integrate the automated systems of the Department of Transportation shall be based on a plan that includes developing the integrated system in phases, or modules. When such plan is approved and to minimize the financial impact, the Department may incrementally budget for the modernization. 

G. Notwithstanding § 4-2.03 of this act, the Virginia Department of Transportation shall be exempt from recovering statewide and agency indirect costs from the Federal Highway Administration until an indirect cost plan can be evaluated and developed by the agency and approved by the Federal Highway Administration.

H. The Director, Department of Planning and Budget, is authorized to adjust appropriations and allotments for the Virginia Department of Transportation to reflect changes in the official revenue estimates for commonwealth transportation funds.