Item 186 | First Year - FY2005 | Second Year - FY2006 |
Educational and General Programs (10000) | $141,759,819 | $153,357,560 $161,811,766 |
Higher Education Instruction (100101) | FY2005 $82,495,065 | FY2006 $93,788,306 $97,889,471 |
Higher Education Research (100102) | FY2005 $313,714 | FY2006 $618,214 |
Higher Education Public Services (100103) | FY2005 $377,519 | FY2006 $377,519 |
Higher Education Academic Support (100104) | FY2005 $18,352,101 | FY2006 $18,352,101 $18,959,221 |
Higher Education Student Services (100105) | FY2005 $6,611,152 | FY2006 $6,611,152 $7,405,334 |
Higher Education Institutional Support (100106) | FY2005 $19,988,542 | FY2006 $19,988,542 $21,388,551 |
Operation and Maintenance of Plant (100107) | FY2005 $13,621,726 | FY2006 $13,621,726 $15,173,456 |
Fund Sources: | | |
General | FY2005 $57,931,606 | FY2006 $62,308,339 $64,077,290 |
Higher Education Operating | FY2005 $83,828,213 | FY2006 $91,049,221 $97,434,476 |
Debt Service | FY2005 $0 | FY2006 $300,000 |
Authority: Title 23, Chapter 12.1, Code of Virginia.
A. The University is authorized to continue offering its existing doctoral degree in psychology and a limited number of other doctoral programs in specialized areas with approval from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. These doctoral programs are niche programs, consistent with the comprehensive mission of the University, and are targeted to meet critical needs in the Commonwealth.
B. James Madison University shall report to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia no later than May 1 of each year its tuition, fee, and all other nongeneral fund revenues, in a manner as prescribed by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. The report shall include revenues from the current fiscal year and a projection of anticipated revenues for the next fiscal year.
C. Out of this appropriation, $3,543,604 the first year and $7,170,576 $7,553,980 the second year from the general fund is provided to address base funding needs identified by the Joint Subcommittee Studying Higher Education Funding Policies and to mitigate the pressure on student tuition and fees. These amounts reflect a portion of the additional general fund support needed to provide adequate base support of the institution's core academic function. These additional funds will allow the institution to serve more students, retain existing students more effectively, increase the number of students receiving a degree or certificate, and enhance the quality and rigor of its academic programs. The Secretary of Education shall monitor the institution's efforts to meet these objectives and other statewide needs.