2024 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Committee Approved)

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View Budget Item amendments

Advanced Manufacturing Talent Investment Program (language only)

Item 487.50 #1s

Item 487.50 #1s

Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations


Page 203, Line 15, unstrike "Virginia Economic Development"

Page 203, line 16, unstrike "Partnership (310)"

Page 203, line 17, strike "Office of the Secretary of Labor (195)"

Page 203, line 48, unstrike "Virginia Economic Development"

Page 203, Line 49, unstrike "Partnership" and strike "Office of the Secretary of Labor" and unstrike "in accordance with the provisions established in §"

Page 203, Line 50, unstrike "23.1-1244"

Page 203, line 53, after "fields." Insert "Any balance remaining on June 30, 2024, shall be carried forward for the same purpose."


(This amendment removes proposed actions to change the administrative oversight of the Advanced Manufacturing Talent Investment Program from the Virginia Economic Development Partnership to the Secretary of Labor. This ensures the current appropriation for the program is distributed to projects based on eligibility. There is a process and plan in place to distribute the remaining balance to projects to help meet the hiring needs of manufacturers in Hampton Roads and Southwest Virginia.)