2006 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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View Budget Item amendments

Chief Patron: Hogan
Watercraft Sales and Use Tax (language only)

Item 3-1.01 #2h

Item 3-1.01 #2h

Interfund Transfers

Page 478, line 46, strike "$5,907,378" and insert "$7,600,000".
Page 478, line 46, strike "$6,007,378" and insert "$7,700,000".
Page 326, line 12, strike "$16,432,503" and insert "$18,125,125".
Page 326, line 12, strike "$16,532,503" and insert "$18,225,125".

(This amendment provides for the additional transfer of $11.7 million the first year and $11.8 million the second year from the general fund to the Game Protection Fund. The amounts transferred reflect collections from the two percent sales and use tax on watercraft purchases. The additional transfers are to be used by the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to enhance its enforcement of boating safety laws, promote boater safety education, and to initiate the development of an office at Smith Mountain Lake to increase the agency's enforcement visibility at that lake. The additional transfers also result in the need to adjust the language detailing the total general fund resources support the agency.)