1997 Session

Budget Amendments - HB1600 (Conference Report)

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IHRIS Transfer (language only)

Item 3-1.01 #8c

Item 3-1.01 #8c

Interfund Transfers

Page 416, line 34, after "June 30", strike "each"
Page 416, line 35, after "$1,200,000", insert:
"the first year and $1,520,000 the second year".
Page 416, line 37, after "system.", strike the remainder of the line through line 38.

(This amendment provides for repayment of advances from the general account to develop the Integrated Human Resource Information System. A companion amendment recovers the nongeneral fund share due for this system development from the respective nongeneral fund agencies which utilize the state's central payroll processing system. These recoveries are transferred to the general fund and are then included in the annual repayment of the working capital advance.)